Key2Pay ULTRA – Einstein
€ 29,08
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LAKS tells stories in the world of contactless payment – discover the artwork – Key2Pay “EINSTEIN”
In my A-levels, I chose physics.
I was prepared for Albert Einstein, but was only asked about the Earth’s gravitational field. E=MC2 is the famous formula that everyone knows but no one really understands.
That’s why I created this Key2Pay “EINSTEIN”. enjoy it – LAKS
Almost Simple:
Relativity is the word for the fact that things only have meaning in relation to other things.
In physics, relativity refers to Einstein’s theory that time and space are not absolute.
If you believe there are absolute, correct answers to everything, you probably don’t like relativity, which is the opposite of absolutism.
Quite technical:
E = mc2, equation in German-born physicist Albert Einstein’s special theory of relativity, which expresses that mass and energy are the same physical entity and can be converted into each other.
In the equation, the increased relativistic mass (m) of a body times the speed of light squared (c2) equals the kinetic energy (E) of that body.
In the physical theories that preceded special relativity, mass and energy were considered to be different quantities.
Moreover, the energy of a body at rest could be assigned any value. In special relativity, however, the energy of a body at rest is determined as mc2. Thus, every body with a rest mass m has mc2 of “rest energy” potentially available for conversion into other forms of energy. The mass-energy relation also implies that the rest mass of the body decreases when energy is released from the body during such a conversion. Such a conversion of rest energy into other forms of energy occurs in ordinary chemical reactions, but nuclear reactions involve much greater conversions.
This is especially true of nuclear fusion reactions, in which hydrogen is converted
to helium, in which 0.7 per cent of the original rest energy of hydrogen is converted into other forms of energy.
Stars like the Sun shine because of the energy released from the residual energy of hydrogen atoms fused into helium.
An explanation as I see it:
From the special theory of relativity it follows that mass and energy are just different manifestations of the same thing – a somewhat unfamiliar conception for the average person. Moreover, the equation E = mc2, in which energy is equated with mass, multiplied by the square speed of light, showed that a very small amount of mass can be converted into a very large amount of energy and vice versa. The mass and the energy were indeed equivalent according to the formula mentioned earlier.
The Key2Pay ULTRA is made in Austria from Walnut WOOD and has an integrated contactless NFC chip and makes your payments much easier and smoother – Stop searching for your wallet or mobile phone at the cash desk – all you need is your favorite wearable.
Its convenient, contactless payment function (NFC) works completely independently
NO batteries – NO chargers – NO smartphones needed